Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

50 days of why Doctor Who is awesome

Fed up with being labelled as 'geeks' because of our love for Doctor Who. I have no offence to the term of geek but hate 'labels' just because of the hobbies you have. Anyways for all those people who say Doctor Who is a kids show or dont get it, here's why it is awesome and why we love it:

Day One- The TARDIS.

It's not a huge spaceship with a hundred crewmembers with decks and turbo-lifts, it's literally a police box from the outside and a huge living and working space for our Doctor on the inside. It not only can travel through space and time but it also can change the design to suit each Doctor.  the fact that the chameleon circuit is broken meaning that the TARDIS had to remain the 60's police box makes it a great and recognisable image and icon of Britishness. Would you really want to travel any other way?

Saturday 28 May 2011

shortest review ever of The Almost People...

Am too busy to write a long review unfortunatly due to life's annoyances, so I will just say that the episode was GREAT and OMG my brain hurts so much, what a cliffhanger!!

Friday 27 May 2011


There is one reason that there is not a long blog today. me and Claire watched Jacqueline Hill's mythmaker's tribute last night and I am still emotionally unstable. I don't mind admitting that we both cried at seeing her husband Alvin Rakoff, William Russell, Carole Ann Ford, Maureen O'Brien and others saying how much they loved and miss her. it was a beautiful tribute and the archive footage of Jacqueline at a convention was a lovely sight for us, these days actors are everywhere on TV, the opportunites for Matt Smith interviews are endless (great obviously but endless) and so it was nice to see what she was actually like.
A great watch.

The William Russell Mythmaker's interview was inspiring hearing about his career, his co-stars, his enthusiasm and his anecdotes about Hollywood actors and his general presence.  he was so youthful and loved his life lesson of not wanting to be doing what everyone else was doing, the 9-5 thing, the routine. he lives by change. I so agree with him, I get bored after five minutes. Anyway he did not seem like a seventy year old which he must have been at the making of this, in fact he was still so so handsome (not that as you get older you're not handsome anymore) and ok, am a bit in love with him, honestly don't care how old he is, he's the same guy.

Great purchases.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Favourite Companions

This was very very hard to choose but here it goes:

1. Ian/Barbara (from this blog you can prob tell that we love them but also it was hard to pick one over the other as they're soo good.)
2. Rose (some fans hate her but I think she is a great companion)
3. Donna (apparantly Russell T Davies described her as the Barbara of the 21st century)
4. Harry (should have been in it more because he was awesome)
5. Sarah-Jane (Great chemistry with all the Doctor's she worked with)
6. Ace- (when I was growing up I wanted to be cool like her)
7. Rory (when he's not dying, he's funny and brave)
8. Ben/Polly (couldnt seperate the two, considering most of their eps are gone they made a big impact)
9. Vicki (never really gets mentioned but she was adorable and fun)
10. Jamie (just love his relationship with two sooo funny)

Nearly made it: Jo, Jack, Susan and River Song.

Favourite Doctors

Ok, so i'm not one of those fans who hates one of the Doctor's, I actually like them all and think they all have their merits. I don't think it's cool to hate David Tennant or cool to like Tom Baker and I like them all. Obviously I have faves, my four favourites are:

Good Old first Doctor who doesn't get enough credit for being the creator of the character. He isn't just grouchy, he's also sweet, stubborn, hilarious and an anti-hero.

Ten made me fall in love with Doctor Who again (and not because he's good looking) but because he was exciting, funny, verbal and enthusiastic.

I just love Two, he's so sweet and funny, he has an excellent rapport with companions particularly Jamie and he's great.

I've really started to appreaciate Nine recently and come to love him, he reminds me a bit of the first Doctor and I love his mysterious quality and rather moody nature and wish he'd been in one more series.

Then I like equally: Tom Baker, Matt Smith, Sylvester McCoy, Peter Davison.
then equally: Jon Pertewee, Colin Baker, Paul McGann (although I've seen little of the last two)

Anyway, the Doctor is the Doctor no matter what his personality or face and I love all of his regenerations and him travelling forever in his TARDIS.

Rant time and documentaries

Why is it that TV doesn't broadcast enough classic who? Ok u can find a lot of it online but for me nothing beats good old fashioned sitting in front of the TV with a cup of tea and some biscuits but classic who just isn't shown. I mean you'd think it'd be shown here in the UK being such an iconic programme but all we get is a few repeats of series 1-4.

Imagine my delight that the channel WATCH advertised that it was Doctor who day on saturday, wow was my reply, a whole day to Doctor Who, finally.  well not only is it not on the WHOLE day but its a pretty poor line up.  we have 'The Next Doctor' followed by the two Peter Cushing movies and then the Paul Mcgann film (none of which are IMO that good) and then they are just repeating 'The next Doctor' for good measure or incase your a fan of David Morrisey or cybermen or something. 

Can't understand why they can't play a few oldies for us Who fans who are trying to watch as many as possible and don't want to be at the computer screen all day or skint from having to bu EVERY single DVD of a programme spanning almost half century.

On a positive note though our Myth maker DVD's arrived today, we got Jacqueline Hill with Raymond Cusick ones and William Russell and Verity Lambert. looking forward to watching about their opinions of their time on the show. it's great on DVD commentary but even nicer to see them in person.

On a side note about DVD commentary. on the commentary for I think it might be 'Keys of Marinus' if you can listen to it please do. Clayton Hickman the moderator informs William Russell that Edwina Currie described him as her teenage 'sex symbol' hahaha there is a brief pause before you hear Russ just sort of mutter out a few words of embarrassment and Carol Ann Ford declare amusingly that Russell doesn't look anything like John Major.

You're not the only one Edwina!

Especially if you saw him in 'The Adventures of Sir Lancelot'

That's why you should always watch anything behind the scenes, that's where the secrets come out...Be seeing you...

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Doctor Who goodies...

came in the post today!

William Russell signed photograph from 'An Unearthly Child'. My dad just raised an eyebrow and obviously doesnt get why me and Katie love William Russell so much. Oh well, also purchased...

Harry Sullivan's War written by the wonderful Ian Marter who played Harry. Love Harry Sullivan and heard this is a good read so looking forward to devouring it soon.

William has pride of place on our wall next to David Tennant and Richard Armitage and various photos of me and the sister and friends who are not famous or really worth being in their presense haha. I think the frames a bit cheap so am going to buy a new one for Russ as he deserves it.

Ta ta for now, be seeing you...

Sunday 22 May 2011

Twin Dilemma

This blog title is not to be confused with the title of the Doctor Who story of the same name.  it is infact a post about being a twin which of course me and Claire are.

There are definate advantages to being a twin: someone to hang out with, someone to borrow clothes from, someone to share your mad hobbies with, a writing buddy (the world needs twin sister writers) and I'm also thinking twin Doctor Who companions (not of the freaky kind or blonde bimbo kind, real twins) would be awesome (we're available for that) and generally a close bond.

However there are many disadvantages: People calling you the wrong name, comparing you, asking you the dumbest questions, sharing everything even your date of entering the world! people refering to you as 'the twins', if you do uni together as we did people wanna know why and think its weird but if you work seperately people wanna know why you're not working together.

Anyway the biggest problem has been discussed today:

We share a lot of Doctor Who memorabillia, DVD's, Books, audio CD's, posters you name it, we've built up a bit of a collection over the last couple of years and were discussing moving out. based on the cool stuff we own there is no choice, we MUST live together or face the traumatic experience of dividing all our stuff up!!! we have both finished uni now and though at the moment have no immediate plans, job or money to entitle the luxury of escaping the clutches of the parents- in the future this is going to be a problem.

at the moment its great because we have a cool lounge office room to put all our stuff in and anything we buy is cheaper because we can split the price.  As you may have guessed we share a birthday (honestly people still ask us each when our birthdays are) so its hard to buy eachother Doctor who stuff as we may get the same thing. 

For Christmas I bought Claire 'The Adventures of sir lancelot' DVD with William Russell (Ian) as it has two of her main loves 'Arthurian legend and William Russell!' and she bought me 'The lost stories of the first Doctor' on Audio CD. basically I very nearly bought her the same thing so these days we have to kind of discuss do's and dont's of gift giving before surfing the online shops.  the ridiculous thing about this whole present giving is that the gifts go straight in our 'shared collection' therefore I may as well have just bought myself a present.

So anyway, being a twin is cool sometimes but sometimes it's a pain in the arse.  I just dread the day when half my collection of goodies is gone and in someone elses house...oh the humanity.

Random piccys we did

I wish!

The Rebel Flesh episode discussion.

The Rebel Flesh

It's War!!

Katie and I sat down last night to watch episode five of Doctor Who series six last night and was rather impressed. We can imagine people dismissing this epsiode as a filler but here's why we liked it.

Claire- It reminded me of classic Who with them landing somewhere in the future and the conflict between the two groups.

Katie- The Doppleganger idea was really good and rather dystopian like the film The Island and wasn't Rory awesome?

C- He really was, he was compassionate and loved his kindness towards Jennifer, finally he is being taken seriously as a companion and not there merely as Amy's husband.

K- Wish Amy would get a little bit more to do, she seems to be attatched to the Doctor, she's obviously a independant strong girl, we need more of Amy doing amazing things, making mistakes, shouting and bonding with others; I can't really recall her befriending anyone.

C- I'm looking forward to the second parter and by the way did you spot a certain someone from Life on Mars?

K- Yes, Marshall Lancaster aka Chris! He was good as usual. Also I was going to mention how the acid stuff and clones reminded me of when Martha was cloned in the Sontaran episodes.

C- Yeah it did look like that, I love the moral and ethical debate that comes from cloning people; they have memories too and how is the Doctor going to resolve this one?

K-And did you think the double Doctor reminded you of the first doctor's epic fight with his robot self in the Chase?

C- Just for that the episode should get a better score. Anyways a good solid episode.

Real or dopplegangers?

be seeing you...

Thursday 19 May 2011

Dr. Who and the Daleks (the Movie) Vs. The Daleks serial.

The Original story and televised version of the Daleks

Was bored today and we thought what can we watch that is Doctor Who related and we thought we haven't seen the movie version of the first ever Dalek tale in ages (the one with Peter Cushing)

What's interesting is that actually we both saw the film a few years back way before we became addicted to the first Doctor's era and so our opinions on the film at the time were that it was generally good and fun stuff for a Doctor Who fan but its a very different experience watching it after being so familiar with the BBC seven parter of our fave era of the programme.

It's obviously shorter, not even an hour and a half, they had to trim a  lot of the TV stuff (often great stuff!) to squeeze it into the film but generally the overall storyline is there in fact some is shockingly similar as if they literally copied it straight over.

This shot and in fact much of the scene is pretty much exactly the same as the serial:

Alternate Ian (Ray Castle) trapped in multi-coloured Dalek shell.

TV Ian is also trapped in the Dalek!

Well this isn't a major problem, the things that are the same are good things and it makes sense in the storyline to use them, but overall I have more thoughts on the differences between the two.

Things I noticed:

  • Ok so the Doctor is an inventor rather than an alien unfortunately this for us removed the entire appeal of the first Doctor. Peter Cushing is obviously not trying to emmulate Hartnell but his character is a boring sort of bumbling crackpot inventor who is too nice! there's no conflict between him and the others which is what makes the television serial so awesome and tense and character driven...
  • On that note of characterisation we have Susan as a young girl interestingly with much more guts and determination than on the series but without the unearthly quality (well she is human here) also the little girl is smug as hell.
  • Theres Ian Chesterton who is only similar to the TV character by name.  sure here he's cute enough and fun but there's nothing for him to do.  his awesome speech to the Thals is removed from this film and given to The Doctor who then Uses Ian (asking him to take Dyoni to the city) poor Ian is punched again but he didn't even get a decent speech first.  In the film he's merely there to follow the Doctor, he isn't that scared or intelligent, he doesn't teach science and he just clumsily falls over all the time. it's a bit dissappointing to an Ian fan to have the film version of him completely silly and not taking charge, in fact all he wants to do is run away.
  • We have Barbara who just isn't used in this film at all, all she does is wander around and play second fiddle to Susan.  she gets no lovely romance with Ganatus because 1. Ganatus here is a make up wearing Git and 2. because in this version, Ian and Barbara are a couple.
  • I am totally fine with a romance between Ian and Barbara in the film but considering they're actually a couple and the 'real Ian and Barbara' aren't then its funny to see that their is little chemisty between these two.

Check out the way Ian eyes up Barbara!

One note however, the fact that the TARDIS in the film sets off because Barbara tries to kiss Ian and he lands on the lever that starts the process of de-materilisation. hahaha kinda funny.

Other observations:
  • The cinematography is pretty amazing in the film (though I also love the black and white) with a terrific blend of green hues particular in the forest which is very cinematic. I kept picturing the actors from the series running about in the awesome colours but oh well...

  • The Thals wear far too much make-up in the film and resemble men in drag (did no one tell them that blue eyeshadow was more popular in the 1970's not on Skaro)

  • I nearly die laughing in the film at the Dalek counting down at the end. I think a Dalek does it on the TV ep too but here he literally counts down from 100 and I'm like 'ok we get the point he's counting, cut to something else' but is very funny and I do laugh at stupid things.

  • Antodus doesnt die in the film! OMG how lame is that? What is this the Walt Disney version? I'm mean I'm not horrible and of course characters dying is sad but if they all survive where's the danger? The grief? In the TV  episode one of my fave moments is Ian's anguised face of guilt and sadness that he couldnt save Antodus from plummeting to his death; real character stuff.

  • A rather good bit of Dalek ass kicking by the Thals in the film.

    So in conclusion i think everyone should watch the televised story because the character depth, intrigue and heart is there. Children might prefer the colour and fun of the film but the televised episodes are where it all began and you can't get better than that.

    be seeing you...

    Wednesday 18 May 2011

    Torchwood and British Drama

    I knew the next series of Torchwood was on this year but OMG I didn't know it was going to be so epic!  all around the world about nobody being able to age or die and the population expanding to its capacity. I am so excited for July especially after the gap between the next block of Doctor Who. after Children of Earth I really hope it can be even better than that fantastic five parter, this is ten parts and also features one of my fave actors ever:

    Mr. Bill Pullman!!! Hello Jack Callaghan from While you Were Sleeping which is my fave romantic comedy. I expect he is going to be fantastic in the series. Can't wait to see what they do with Jack and Gwen and all the new characters that will replace the dearly departed former Torchwood team.

    Also another bonus, if this gets more notice around the world then so possibly does Doctor Who and other British TV which is often overlooked for big budget American 24 part dramas.  even here in the UK most people I know watch more American Series than our own excellent drama.

    Just watched part one of The Shadow Line (starring Christopher Eccleston and Chiwetel Ejifor) and this is a fantastic british conspiracy thriller and very intense and beautifully lit.  lately the BBC has had some fantastic dramas but I have friends who don't even know they exist or one friend in particular who seems to dislike anything British (she is British) without trying it. she'll only watch 24, family guy, friends and CSI.

    Anyways a good year for British Drama; Doctor Who, Torchwood, Merlin (hopefully back this year) United (the Busby Babes story with David Tennant) was incredible and moving, Accused by Jimmy McGovern, Sky One's Mad Dogs (with Marc Warren and John Simm) and many others that are stored up on my sky plus. 

    Marc Warren, Philip Glenister, Max Beesley and John Simm get into deep MAD DOGS.

    Keep watching seeing you...

    Sunday 15 May 2011

    Doctor Who Confidential

    Just to add- only just got round to watching Doctor Who confidential and it was so amazing this week. as writers me and Claire were just mesmorised by Neil Gaiman actually reading his script so poetically and reading it inside the TARDIS!

    It was an interesting look at TARDIS past and the relationship explored in the episode we saw on Sat. The clips of previous Doctor's and their TARDIS' was every who fan's dream, in fact when I saw Ian Chesterton's face and heard his voice declare 'why it's a poilcebox, what's it doing here?' I was so excited at seeing the continuity of the entire 48 years of Who and when Neil Gaiman referred to the junkyard being the 'Totter's Lane of the end of the universe' I wanted to reach into the TV and hug him.  Now I'm going to sigh and be jealous and just hope one day that I can get one of my scripts, on the programme I love more than I love most people. lol.

    Be seeing you...

    Random Doctor Who lists

    What do you do when you're bored on a sunday afternoon? Well I write random lists to do with my fave programmes and since Doctor Who is my favourite programme...hmm...well you get the idea. This list is:

    EYE CANDY ON THE TARDIS: the best looking companions of the Doctor: male and female. I'd just like to add that this is purely my opinion as everyone has different opinions on attractiveness but anyways...

    1. Ian Chesterton

    The hottest science teacher ever and bravery and loyalty to go with it. Ian made cardigans sexy too which is quite an accomplishment.

    2. Harry Sullivan.
    There's something strangely attractive about a guy who is so old fashioned but downright adorable.

    3. Jack Harkness

    Is it the white teeth? The great hair? the cheeky smile? Jack has the charm and charisma.

    4. Steven Taylor

    Ok, I like Steven with the beard and minus that god awful striped jumper he always wore yikes!

    5. Rory Williams
    Ok, granted Rory has some appaling fashion sense but dress him in this 60's assemble and he is superb!


    1. Barbara Wright
    She's not some twenty year old babe in a mini skirt; Barbara is class and elegence and beautiful.

    2. Amy Pond
    I'm jealous of her and she's lovely as well grrr.
    3. Peri Brown

    Not because she wears low cut tops but because she is facially very pretty.

    4. Martha Jones

    Beauty and brains has old Martha Jones.
    5. Susan

    Susan is unique and interesting, very pretty in an unearthly way which is why I like her.

    The rest of the girls come close as less face it; none of them are unattractive.

    Be seeing you.

    Saturday 14 May 2011

    The Doctor's wife has just aired...

    and I loved it! Me and Katie have taken no time to sit down, get a cuppa or anything as we just wanted to share our thoughts on it. will hope not to give any spoilers but lets face it why are you reading a blog about an episode you have yet to watch...

    The Doctor meets Idris, Auntie and Uncle...

    Claire- Without being too Spolierish, the episode was beautiful exploring the Doctor's relationship with the TARDIS.

    Katie- and having a TARDIS in a junkyard is wow for us classic Who fans. I was so pleased by the storytelling and the heart of it all without being slushy.

    C- yeah and the Amy and Rory running about on the other areas of the TARDIS was great; its like in the audio book for The Edge of Destruction when Ian wanders around corridors of the ship; we really get the element of the ship being never ending.

    K- it really is nice to have a TARDIS focused episode. only one complaint, why does the whole series have to be darkly shot? even next weeks is, I mean I love gothic style and dark fairytale but one week could we have some light please?

    C- yeah and have you noticed that there's a lot of mumbling this series, almost need subtitles!

    K- and Eleven sure likes to flirt doesn't he?

    C- haha, I loved his relationship with Idris.

    K- Plus and not to give anything away for others but am so glad they mentioned the Timelords again!  I loved his sadness at his part in their downfall, great character development.

    C- yes I hope they can be as good as this in future because we were starting to lose faith a little bit. This episode didnt make me want to cringe either which is a bonus.

    K- Definitely my fave of this series and IMO better than some of series 5 (some not all!)  did you set up for confidential on sky plus?

    C- certainly did, I'm so thirsty, really need a cup of tea.

    K- don't forget strawberries and civilised for a saturday evening when most people our age are at the pub.

    C- We're not 'most people' really lets face it. Anyways bring on next week but for now...classic Who Katie?

    K- episode 3 of the first ever Dalek story, I love it even after 100th viewing.

    Be seeing you...

    Two hours ish to Doctor Who

    Katie- So, Doctor Who is on episode four of six out of the first block of eppys, what will tonight bring?

    Claire- Hopefully something better than last week, I mean it was ok but I always expect more of Doctor Who.

    K- Basically neither of us would really be swept up by Pirate stuff, I used to love them but Pirates of the Carribbean kinda bores me and as a fan of the 60's who era it just wasn't suspensful enough...

    C- I want it so badly to be brilliant.

    K- I'm loving the way this series looks but I'm preferring the way it looks to the actual storytelling, isn't that the wrong way round for Doctor Who?

    C- yep. I hope Rory does something amazing so we're all like 'yes Rory is awesome and as capable as Amy.'

    K- And I hope he doesn't die again...hey one thing we both wish Rory would do.

    K- dress like this all the time!

    C- YES...and so lets get ready for tonights episode as in need dinner first!

    K- you do realise we are gonna get great Doctor who and then the family want to watch the Eurovision song contest.

    C- I mite wear eat plugs.

    K- you'd still have to look at Jedward.

    C- Yikes.