Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Dr. Who and the Daleks (the Movie) Vs. The Daleks serial.

The Original story and televised version of the Daleks

Was bored today and we thought what can we watch that is Doctor Who related and we thought we haven't seen the movie version of the first ever Dalek tale in ages (the one with Peter Cushing)

What's interesting is that actually we both saw the film a few years back way before we became addicted to the first Doctor's era and so our opinions on the film at the time were that it was generally good and fun stuff for a Doctor Who fan but its a very different experience watching it after being so familiar with the BBC seven parter of our fave era of the programme.

It's obviously shorter, not even an hour and a half, they had to trim a  lot of the TV stuff (often great stuff!) to squeeze it into the film but generally the overall storyline is there in fact some is shockingly similar as if they literally copied it straight over.

This shot and in fact much of the scene is pretty much exactly the same as the serial:

Alternate Ian (Ray Castle) trapped in multi-coloured Dalek shell.

TV Ian is also trapped in the Dalek!

Well this isn't a major problem, the things that are the same are good things and it makes sense in the storyline to use them, but overall I have more thoughts on the differences between the two.

Things I noticed:

  • Ok so the Doctor is an inventor rather than an alien unfortunately this for us removed the entire appeal of the first Doctor. Peter Cushing is obviously not trying to emmulate Hartnell but his character is a boring sort of bumbling crackpot inventor who is too nice! there's no conflict between him and the others which is what makes the television serial so awesome and tense and character driven...
  • On that note of characterisation we have Susan as a young girl interestingly with much more guts and determination than on the series but without the unearthly quality (well she is human here) also the little girl is smug as hell.
  • Theres Ian Chesterton who is only similar to the TV character by name.  sure here he's cute enough and fun but there's nothing for him to do.  his awesome speech to the Thals is removed from this film and given to The Doctor who then Uses Ian (asking him to take Dyoni to the city) poor Ian is punched again but he didn't even get a decent speech first.  In the film he's merely there to follow the Doctor, he isn't that scared or intelligent, he doesn't teach science and he just clumsily falls over all the time. it's a bit dissappointing to an Ian fan to have the film version of him completely silly and not taking charge, in fact all he wants to do is run away.
  • We have Barbara who just isn't used in this film at all, all she does is wander around and play second fiddle to Susan.  she gets no lovely romance with Ganatus because 1. Ganatus here is a make up wearing Git and 2. because in this version, Ian and Barbara are a couple.
  • I am totally fine with a romance between Ian and Barbara in the film but considering they're actually a couple and the 'real Ian and Barbara' aren't then its funny to see that their is little chemisty between these two.

Check out the way Ian eyes up Barbara!

One note however, the fact that the TARDIS in the film sets off because Barbara tries to kiss Ian and he lands on the lever that starts the process of de-materilisation. hahaha kinda funny.

Other observations:
  • The cinematography is pretty amazing in the film (though I also love the black and white) with a terrific blend of green hues particular in the forest which is very cinematic. I kept picturing the actors from the series running about in the awesome colours but oh well...

  • The Thals wear far too much make-up in the film and resemble men in drag (did no one tell them that blue eyeshadow was more popular in the 1970's not on Skaro)

  • I nearly die laughing in the film at the Dalek counting down at the end. I think a Dalek does it on the TV ep too but here he literally counts down from 100 and I'm like 'ok we get the point he's counting, cut to something else' but is very funny and I do laugh at stupid things.

  • Antodus doesnt die in the film! OMG how lame is that? What is this the Walt Disney version? I'm mean I'm not horrible and of course characters dying is sad but if they all survive where's the danger? The grief? In the TV  episode one of my fave moments is Ian's anguised face of guilt and sadness that he couldnt save Antodus from plummeting to his death; real character stuff.

  • A rather good bit of Dalek ass kicking by the Thals in the film.

    So in conclusion i think everyone should watch the televised story because the character depth, intrigue and heart is there. Children might prefer the colour and fun of the film but the televised episodes are where it all began and you can't get better than that.

    be seeing you...

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