Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

50 days of why Doctor Who is awesome

Fed up with being labelled as 'geeks' because of our love for Doctor Who. I have no offence to the term of geek but hate 'labels' just because of the hobbies you have. Anyways for all those people who say Doctor Who is a kids show or dont get it, here's why it is awesome and why we love it:

Day One- The TARDIS.

It's not a huge spaceship with a hundred crewmembers with decks and turbo-lifts, it's literally a police box from the outside and a huge living and working space for our Doctor on the inside. It not only can travel through space and time but it also can change the design to suit each Doctor.  the fact that the chameleon circuit is broken meaning that the TARDIS had to remain the 60's police box makes it a great and recognisable image and icon of Britishness. Would you really want to travel any other way?

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