Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Sunday 22 May 2011

The Rebel Flesh episode discussion.

The Rebel Flesh

It's War!!

Katie and I sat down last night to watch episode five of Doctor Who series six last night and was rather impressed. We can imagine people dismissing this epsiode as a filler but here's why we liked it.

Claire- It reminded me of classic Who with them landing somewhere in the future and the conflict between the two groups.

Katie- The Doppleganger idea was really good and rather dystopian like the film The Island and wasn't Rory awesome?

C- He really was, he was compassionate and loved his kindness towards Jennifer, finally he is being taken seriously as a companion and not there merely as Amy's husband.

K- Wish Amy would get a little bit more to do, she seems to be attatched to the Doctor, she's obviously a independant strong girl, we need more of Amy doing amazing things, making mistakes, shouting and bonding with others; I can't really recall her befriending anyone.

C- I'm looking forward to the second parter and by the way did you spot a certain someone from Life on Mars?

K- Yes, Marshall Lancaster aka Chris! He was good as usual. Also I was going to mention how the acid stuff and clones reminded me of when Martha was cloned in the Sontaran episodes.

C- Yeah it did look like that, I love the moral and ethical debate that comes from cloning people; they have memories too and how is the Doctor going to resolve this one?

K-And did you think the double Doctor reminded you of the first doctor's epic fight with his robot self in the Chase?

C- Just for that the episode should get a better score. Anyways a good solid episode.

Real or dopplegangers?

be seeing you...

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