Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Saturday 14 May 2011

The Doctor's wife has just aired...

and I loved it! Me and Katie have taken no time to sit down, get a cuppa or anything as we just wanted to share our thoughts on it. will hope not to give any spoilers but lets face it why are you reading a blog about an episode you have yet to watch...

The Doctor meets Idris, Auntie and Uncle...

Claire- Without being too Spolierish, the episode was beautiful exploring the Doctor's relationship with the TARDIS.

Katie- and having a TARDIS in a junkyard is wow for us classic Who fans. I was so pleased by the storytelling and the heart of it all without being slushy.

C- yeah and the Amy and Rory running about on the other areas of the TARDIS was great; its like in the audio book for The Edge of Destruction when Ian wanders around corridors of the ship; we really get the element of the ship being never ending.

K- it really is nice to have a TARDIS focused episode. only one complaint, why does the whole series have to be darkly shot? even next weeks is, I mean I love gothic style and dark fairytale but one week could we have some light please?

C- yeah and have you noticed that there's a lot of mumbling this series, almost need subtitles!

K- and Eleven sure likes to flirt doesn't he?

C- haha, I loved his relationship with Idris.

K- Plus and not to give anything away for others but am so glad they mentioned the Timelords again!  I loved his sadness at his part in their downfall, great character development.

C- yes I hope they can be as good as this in future because we were starting to lose faith a little bit. This episode didnt make me want to cringe either which is a bonus.

K- Definitely my fave of this series and IMO better than some of series 5 (some not all!)  did you set up for confidential on sky plus?

C- certainly did, I'm so thirsty, really need a cup of tea.

K- don't forget strawberries and civilised for a saturday evening when most people our age are at the pub.

C- We're not 'most people' really lets face it. Anyways bring on next week but for now...classic Who Katie?

K- episode 3 of the first ever Dalek story, I love it even after 100th viewing.

Be seeing you...

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