Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Thursday 2 June 2011

Day 03 of Doctor Who awesome

Different eras, constant change

With every new Doctor or executive producer or decade or whatever, Doctor Who gets a revamp, which can be wonderful, change is always good and there is different styles to suit everyone. What other programme can do this? Star Trek yes had different ships, crews, captains etc but Doctor Who is a continuation.

Barbara and Ian in The Aztecs
In the 1960's, the black and white really helped to creat a eerie atmosphere in the episodes with cybermen, Daleks or on other worlds. The brilliant historicals were also a huge part of the deal in the early days but were phased out later.

The Doctor works with The Brig and Liz on earth.
The series has a fun and different feel when the Doctor is exiled to earth and works at UNIT. Most episodes were also set on earth.

 Six and the cybers!
The colourful eighties! A direction that some people didnt take to but I personally like the Colin Baker eps.

Series 5- Doc and Amy.
With Matt as the new Doctor and Steven Moffat as the new exec producer, the show has a more fairytale style and vivid cinematography.

Lots of different styles, Doctor's and changes but ultimately the same great show!

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