Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Monday 13 June 2011

Day 13 of Doctor Who Awesome

No horrific violence

I love that I can watch it with anyone and I know that when I watch Doctor Who I can get caught up in great storytelling without having to see people's heads being cut off, torture and constant sex scenes.  We live in a violent world and I don't need to see it all the time; I guess I'm young at heart and have a rather child like imagination in that way; the things that scare me most are the little things; things that move in the dark when you can't see, daleks hiding in corridoors etc

Doctor Who deals with death brilliantly, there have been some horrible deaths over the years; sacrifices, wars, murder but it never shows you blood, never torture, never shows you prolonged amounts of agony or suffering.  When death occurs you know its for a purpose in the story not just any excuse for a bloody battle or to kill off as many people as possible. It also shows you that killing is wrong and that their is nothing glorious about it but also at the same time it doesnt shy away from the fact that sometimes in order to beat evil we have to stand up and defend ourselves. The Doctor isnt a pacifist and the programme doesnt promote that either, the Doctor fights for what he believes in; and he does it without a weapon. He is not the sort of man who would point a gun at someone but he wouldnt stop someone with a gun from shooting the enemy (because he is responsible for his own actions).

I'd much rather watch the weaponless Doctor, than gun mad CSI type detectives anyday; there is too much violence in real life and too many guns and luckily with Doctor Who, using weapons is only in self defence or a last option.

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