Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Day 12 of Doctor Who Awesome


Check out the awesome clothes!

As in United Nations Intelligence Taskforce.  The UNIT team have been with us all the way since the sixties during Patrick Troughton's run and have helped defeat aliens with their badass ways.  During the 70's the team were an extremely important focus on the Earth bound episodes and the relationships between the Doctor and the Brigadier were particularly brilliant.  The Brigadier is one awesome companion and has been there for Docs 2, 3, 4, 5, I'm unsure of six as my knowledge of that era is limited but I know he graced another presence in Battlefield with our beloved 7th Doctor and continued his battles in various audio.

Sadly Nicholas Courtney died this year so my hopes to have him appear in the show now are gone but am so glad he was with the show such a long time, really annoyed that they didnt have a tribute to him on TV, I mean he also worked with Hartnell's Doctor (albeit as a different character) but he was a great influence on the history and legacy of Who.

So whilst I love UNIT and am glad they returned in the new series and praise their time on the series, I think for now I'm happy to not have many more UNIT episodes. I don't want in all honesty another era set primarily on Earth and if I had to choose I wouldn't like series based around military organisations as I hate the formality thing, I want the Doctor out and about the universe not in an office, but anyway no more moaning, the UNIT era of Doctor Who is as important as any other and very watchable and the relationships were fantastic so I'm looking foward to part two of Inferno tonight, would have watched more than one part last night but at that time of night, scientific jargon and bright yellow cars couldn't hold my concentration.

Be seeing you...

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