Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Saturday 11 June 2011


Why all the hate for Rose? I like her, Billie Piper plays her brilliantly and I cannot understand the negativity towards her. Ok I can except she's not a favourite to many just as for example I'm not a huge fan of Nyssa or Victoria but to be so bitchy about it gets my back up. What gets me is the whole 'doctor and Rose in love thing' which people seem to detest. I don't mind it myself really, The Doctor can fall in love hence with Cameca in the Aztecs, with Madame de Pompadour maybe and prob others I'm not aware of, so why not Rose? People say 'but why her? she's no better than Sarah or smarter than Romana or prettier than Peri'...but that isnt why people fall in love is it? she may not be better or smarter or prettier than any of the companions but the Doctor loved her. He may have loved other companions as well but the writers decided not to take that route, deal with it! Also, why is Rose not allowed to fall in love with the Doctor but Amy's allowed to come on to him and try to sleep with him the night before her wedding to Rory...umm double standards, apparantly that's ok for some people for Amy to treat Rory that way but when Rose did it to Mickey there was an uproar...jeez.

The reason I like Rose is because when the programme started again in 2005, I was nineteen like her, I was bored working in a shop like her and would have given anything to be swept away in a blue box, so I can totally understand her attatchment to the Doctor especially as she had no male role model in her life. Rose isn't perfect, she's jealous can be bitchy to Mickey etc but she's a good character...she grows up, learns from her travels, befriends people who are scared (something Amy lacks) is scared herself but also can take charge. 

And she isnt a chav, thanks to television the defintion of chav has been taken well out of context, both Rose and her mother worked hard all their lives and are law abiding citizens they are not work shy, weed smoking drunks. Living on a council estate doesnt make you a chav, your attitude does...Rose is merely a working class hero and as a working class person I can relate to her.

Sorry for the ramble but I feel like I need to defend Rose (who is my third fave companion) because she gets an awful lot of hate.

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