Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Monday 6 June 2011

Day 07 of Doctor Who awesome

The Daleks

Dortmun in the Dalek Invasion of Earth described them as motorised dustbins whilst they've also been compared to evil pepperpots and nazi like machines created by Davros (and created in real life by Terry Nation and Ray Cusick who was the designer of the iconic look) They are definitly the number one Doctor Who villiain/monster and with no emotions, remorse or reasoning, they are the ulitmate in hatred whose only aim is to wipe out everyone who is not a Dalek; pretty strong stuff and plenty of nightmares for children!

The First glimpse of the Daleks: Ian is paralysed temporarily.
White Daleks: with Ace and Seven
Suicidal Dalek: with Rose in the aptly titled episode Dalek
I-Daleks: the latest look (and one im not fond of)

I read somewhere that Steven Moffat's giving the Daleks a break for a while and I'm glad, I mean I love them but after stealing the earth and trying to destroy reality itself and everything; it must be hard being quite as epic. See you in a few years maybe fella?

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