Doctor Who

Doctor Who
Susan, he's behind you!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Day 08 of Doctor Who Awesome


The Doctor likes to travel with an entourage, they may be humans, they may be aliens, they may even be tin dogs!

Of course the Doctor adores his companions now and will do anything for them.  But back in 1963 poor Ian and Barbara were pretty much kidnapped to stop the secret of his ship getting out to their 'friends'. the best thing about these early eps was the change we see in the Doctor, with the help of the bond between Ian and Barbara and the Doctor's granddaughter Susan, we see him change from an anti-hero, a selfish and un-sociable alien into a caring old man who comes to love his companions. What Ian and Barbara (and all one's other companions) do for him is the most important thing because without them he would not be the Doctor he is in 2011.
As the Doctor regenerated to his second incarnation he would have even more companions, particularly a close bond with a companion from the past, a very close relationship apparently!

The Doctor's companions in the 70's especially during Tom Baker's era tended to be attractive young women and he travelled with a range of humans, aliens and even a Timelady in two of her incarnations.

in the 80's there was a lot of team TARDIS again during Peter Davison era but this ended with much of the 80's being attractive young girls again.

in the revival we have been treated to an assortment of different companions who play very significant roles in the Doctor's life as they did back in 1963, perhaps maybe a bit too much as the time goes on. I mean how many comanions can do things as extreme as absorbing the heart of the TARDIS, saving the world from the Master, becoming part time lord or most birth to...who we learn is River Song?

Companions make Doctor Who what it is nearly as much as our Doctor and without them he definitely wouldn't still be around saving worlds. each companion has their own merits and bad ass moments and even though we all have faves I hate bad mouthing any of them because they have all impacted the world of the programme we love.

Be seeing you...

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